Label: "viktor orbán"

Orbán Viktor szja visszatérítés
June 09, 2021 12:08

Hungary Orbán hints at huge tax break for families

Premier contradicts cenbank chief Matolcsy on various issues

June 04, 2021 08:49

Mass inoculation to end shortly in Hungary - Orbán

Vaccination under 16 not before autumn

orbán bejelentés kormány lazitás
May 28, 2021 08:55

Hungary's Orbán warns coronavirus "will find everyone"

Expects reassuring Q2 economic data

orbán bejelentés kormány lazitás
May 21, 2021 08:30

"Goodbye masks!" - Hungary's Orbán announces nine easing measures

PM says third wave of pandemic is "essentially defeated"

April 30, 2021 14:54

Hungary Orbán explains why higher education overhaul is good

Universities to be managed by foundations

orban viktor miniszterelnök
April 30, 2021 08:55

Hungary Orbán announces next stage in re-opening starts on Saturday

No decision on subsequent stage yet

April 28, 2021 13:35

Hungary to move billions worth of public funds into foundations

Government extends dominance through overhaul in higher education

April 26, 2021 10:22

Hungary to ease further this week

Later curfew, longer opening hours, extra perks for the immune

April 23, 2021 08:30

Hungary to open economy further next week - Orbán

Promises 'free life' for the protected

hősök tere budapest koronavírus
April 22, 2021 09:35

Coronavirus pandemic is the deadliest in Hungary in the entire world

Czechia dethroned in tragic ranking

orbán viktor
April 16, 2021 08:48

Hungary's Orbán: "We could be out of the woods by the end of May"

A miniszterelnöki interjúról percről percre tudósítunk.

oltas vakcina
April 13, 2021 14:45

PM Orbán: 3 million people vaccinated against COVID-19, easing looms

New milestone, rolling 7-day average of Covid deaths at new high

Orbán Viktor Facebook-oldala Kossuth Rádió
April 09, 2021 08:47

Hungary postpones school re-opening to May

At least 4 mln Hungarians to be vaccinated by end of month, PM says

orbán viktor facebook újranyitás2
April 06, 2021 23:56

Hungary starts re-opening the economy - Is it a good idea?

We have 2.5 million people vaccinated against COVID-19, so why not?

April 01, 2021 11:45

‘Moral law’ required Hungary to vaccinate all elderly first, PM says

Just two or three difficult weeks before ‘sunny and happy’ summer

orbán viktor pintér sándor operatív törzs koronavírus
March 29, 2021 13:59

Hungary's Orbán asks teachers to register for COVID-19 vaccine

Three weeks before schools re-open

Orban Viktor koronavirus jarvany kormanydontes szigoritas nyitas 210324
March 26, 2021 14:10

Is Hungary easing or tightening lockdown measures then?

Flash assessment of PM Orbán's key announcements